Let Utah Read Blog

Censoring Library Databases: A Battle Won But the War Continues
We made it through another legislative session here in Utah, and as has become tradition since the original book-banning bill was passed in 2022 (followed by additional attempts to restrict access in 2023 and 2024), the State again attempted to broaden the reach of Utah’s book ban law.
This time, they failed, thanks to the efforts of citizens and groups who showed up, spoke up, and fought back.

Alert: Another Bad Library Bill in Utah
Last Friday, Utah Legislators brought HB473 before the House Education Committee. Much like other recent Utah bills (namely HB374 in 2022 and HB29 in 2024) meant to root out “porn in libraries,” the purported goal of HB473 is to protect children from inappropriate materials in research databases like EBSCO, Gale, and Proquest and provide a reporting structure for parents.

Event Recap: For the Love of EveryLibrary
For the Love of EveryLibrary hosted a panel discussion on Saturday, March 1, featuring librarians and authors Rebekah Cummings, Jessica Day George, Tessa White, and Lehua Parker as they sat down with Garna Mejia to discuss the right to read. Here is a recap for those who missed it.

The Fight Against Book Bans Goes Federal
Despite claiming only a month ago that book-bans were a hoax, the Trump Administration has begun actively banning books from schools. As part of its continuing fight against diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Trump Administration has ordered all Department of Defense (DOD) schools located in the US to start clearing their library shelves of anything that could be seen as “radical indoctrination” of “gender ideology” or “discriminatory equity ideology.”

Book Banning Harms Children — Here’s Why
Book bans also negatively impact children’s and teen’s mental health by trying to minimize their exposure to difficult issues.

Book Banning is Not a Hoax… In Utah, it’s a Crisis!
Utah recently added “Damsel” by Elana K. Arnold and “Like a Love Story” by Abdi Nazemian to the state-wide banned book list, bringing the total books banned in all public schools to 16. Fourteen of the sixteen authors on Utah’s statewide banned book list are women. In addition to banning another book, the Utah State Board of Education also revised their guidance on students bringing their own copies of banned books onto school property.

Utah Bans 14th Book Statewide
The Utah State Board of Education has announced that a 14th book has been banned statewide. The book, Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott (2008), has been banned by three school districts (Davis, Washington, Toole) under the new “Objective Sensitive Material” standard that was signed into law by Governor Cox in 2024.

The Freedom to Read is on the Ballot in Utah in 2024
Utahns who care about the Freedom to Read are encouraged to pay close attention to their ballots in the 2024 election.

Banned Book Week Updates and Other News
We have three updates for you this week.
September 22-28 is Banned Books week and Let Utah Read is co-sponsoring two events. See below and our Events Page for more information
T-shirts are now available!
HB29 “Sensitive Materials” Law Update

HB29: The Criminalization of Librarians, Authors, Teachers, and School Board members
In 2024, the legislature passed HB29 “Sensitive Material Review Amendments. The bill takes a standard of indecency that regulates public displays and applies it to books in school libraries. This effectively classifies hundreds of books and classic works of literature as “criminal porn” and puts teachers, librarians, authors and any individual who provides access to these books to a minor at risk for criminal prosecution.

FReadom Forum: Lunch and Learn Webinar Thursday, June 20, 2024 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
FReadom Forum: Lunch and Learn Webinar.
Thursday, June 20th , 12-1 pm
Utah’s new book-banning law is scheduled to go into effect on July 1st. What will this mean for Utah students, parents, and educators?
Hear the latest updates on Utah's book banning legislation and learn what you can do to support the freedom to read.

Let Utah Read Urges Governor Cox to Veto HB 29 (SENSITIVE MATERIAL REVIEW AMENDMENTS)
Let Utah Read urges Governor Cox to Veto HB 29 (Sensitive Material Review Amendments). Read here.
Photos from the Read In at the State Capitol

Banned Book Week Updates and Other News
We have three updates for you this week.
September 22-28 is Banned Books week and Let Utah Read is co-sponsoring two events. See below and our Events Page for more information
T-shirts are now available!
HB29 “Sensitive Materials” Law Update
Kimberly Johnson Speech at Jan 25, 2023 Read-In
Kim Johnson’s comments at the Let Utah Read Read-In, January 2023